“Drawing is the art to walk the lines.”

Paul Klee, German painter (*1879, †1940)


An interactive, crossmedia project designed for everybody who’s enjoying graphics and imagination

On Lines of Code users can scribble and interact with drawings stored on the database created by people from all over the world. The users are asked to draw arbitrary lines and to highlight objects or shapes they are seeing in the displayed drawing. The drawings are evoking imaginations and the imaginations are pushing once more new drawings and so forth.

On the final stage the user can download any drawing or highlit shape as PDF for reusing it as vector graphic in any graphical application. The analog sketch book, with a defined set of drawings, can be purchased online. The content of the books changes over time, always being the ones who inspired most people.

Scribble, don’t think.

Look closely and highlight the shapes you see to inspire other users for their drawings & findings.

